Hartford HealthCare is committed to improving performance and providing the best patient outcomes through continuing important education programs.

As one of the leading teaching programs, our goal is to provide the best service possible. Through continuing education and important programs, our medical staff have the care of our patients is at the front of our mind.

Continuing Medical Education

The mission of Hartford Hospital’s continuing medical education program is to meet the needs of its medical staff that are related to maintaining competence and improving performance and patient outcomes.


Providing our patients with unrivaled care is our top priority at Hartford HealthCare. All of our physicians have gone through rigorous testing of qualification to make certain each employee upholds our mission.

Education Locations

Hartford HealthCare offers programs and services to help health professionals establish and enhance their medical practice and to support their professional growth in a progressive, quality environment committed to excellence.

ELM CareConnect

A web-based enterprise learning management system delivering eLearnings and class registrations in support of the CareConnect EPIC implementation.

EMS Education

Provides educational programs for all members of the healthcare team.

HealthStream® E-Learning

A web-based, self-paced-software application covering most Joint Commission and OSHA mandatory courses.

Referrals & Transfers

Fast, Expert Transport & Care.

Residencies & Fellowships

Our educational programs are committed to impeccable patient care and service.